Behind Closed Doors by Pressure.....Let’s make a stand together to eradicate domestic violence for all mankind!


Behind Closed Doors by Pressure.....Let’s make a stand together to eradicate domestic violence for all mankind!
Thursday, 2. June 2022

Behind every closed door lies a new untold story. This is the case for many women and men in the world as the story is not filled with love and adventure but instead violence, harsh words and ultimatums.

Behind closed doors tells the story about the horrors of escape and agony of opposite feelings! 1 of 4 women will experience domestic violence in their lifetime and this is worldwide statistics . Most of this violence happens behind closed doors and no one talks about it, and the victims are forced to silence and obedience!

Remember that not all violence are physical - invisible scars of mental abuse are as real and horrible as a punch!

This happens around you! Look for the signs and help those who cannot reach out! This kind of Pressure are almost impossible to handle! Let’s make a stand together to eradicate domestic violence for all mankind!

“How well do you know your friends?

Do you see through false innocence?

What happens behind the facades

No one sees invisible scars

Behind closed doors”

Please follow and join Pressure on their next chapter of Story Metal.

Pressure will be releasing their second album

“In a Dark Heart we trust” on June 3rd of 2022!!!

The Band

Who are Pressure I hear you ask? Well, if you had to tag them with a genre the one that fits best is a ‘melodic rock’ but they are so much more than that. Hailing from Stockholm, Sweden and with vocalist Olof Jönsson you can always guarantee soaring, well-executed and committed vocals. Together with a gripping and never dull twin guitar sound coming from songwriter and lead guitarist Simon “Siirpo” Forsell and Emil Salling. Then the addition of Olli Violet in summer of 2021 has been a definite asset to the band. The beautiful, mesmerizing, succumbing and metal voice of Olli Violet from the Republic of Belarus is a blessing to the band and the Pressure family.

Their work often focuses and embraces the pressures felt from everyday existence. Their lyrics demonstrating that there are two sides to every story - the good and the bad. Every song has a double meaning and they truly see music as a tool to handle the different pressures thrown at us from the modern world.

The band began their journey together in 2018, and since the they’ve worked tirelessly developing their sound and live performance, their aim? To make memories with their fans and to create epic music adventures (storymetal).

A quote that can summarize their lyrics is:

“How can you tell a story about life if you haven’t dared to live life to its fullest!

Pressure is all about every story, every moment, every Pressure!

Band Members:

Guitars, drums, backing vocals – Simon Forsell

Lead vocals – Olof Jönsson

Guitar – Emil Salling

Vocals – Olli Violet

Bass – Ignacio Arrúa