Dogsmile 's new EP is called "Sparks from the Fire"


Dogsmile 's new EP is called "Sparks from the Fire"
Wednesday, 6. October 2021

Three of the members in Dogsmile (Ingemar Karlsson, Elisabeth J Karlsson, and Ingvar Larsson) were members of the legendary Swedish band Camouflage, one of the most beloved bands on the Swedish rock scene in the 90s. Together with drummer Tommy Dannefjord, guitarist Anders Pettersson (both from Swedish indie band Easy, that once were signed by Paul Smith to the English label Blast First), and singer Tinna Jörhall (ex-Brand) they now consists the line-up of this band.

The sound of Dogsmile in 2021 reflects the six members' different musical backgrounds, but the songs and production are softer than during the last two decades of the 20th century. One of the band’s strengths lies in the suggestive melodies and the compliantly melodic arrangements that contribute to the atmospheric moods. The six members of Dogsmile are moving forward and today create a colorful soundscape of their own.