Juliana Madrid's self titled EP comes out august 19th with Neon Gold Records


Juliana Madrid's self titled EP comes out august 19th with Neon Gold Records
Juliana Madrid
Thursday, 11. August 2022
Hi, kids,
There will be 7 songs, 3 of which y’all haven’t heard yet.
Now I’m gonna just be real for a second and acknowledge how fucking cool this is. Usually I stay pretty casual about these things and do my best to not get my hopes up because I have a little/rlly big fear of “failing”. But rn I’m going to set all the bullshit aside because I am so proud of myself. So proud of how far I have come. Feels funny to announce that to the internet but truly I am. So few people get opportunities like I have gotten, so few people get a chance to have their art be seen and heard in the exact way they intended it to be. And not many artists get to work with / be surrounded by people that are incredibly kind, talented, and are really just excited about the MUSIC. So for all that - I am grateful. None of this would’ve been possible ofc without Ben who for some reason wanted to hear my shitty demos of 5 min long verses a couple years ago and then still wanted to hear more after the fact. Because of him I have gotten to write some of my favorite songs with my favorite people Benjamin Roc Simon Oscroft Alex Winston Matthew Koma Ross Clark Dragonette and make these connections that I know will be lifelong.