
"22 Moons,"brings Clare Luna's musicianship to a whole new level.
Artist: Clare Luna
Date: 25/03/2021
Place: Brussels

Originally hailing from Charlottesville, Virginia, Clare Luna has recently relocated to Nashville, Tennessee where she is ready to take on the world.

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"Full Moon Little House" , du rock alternatif breton
Artist: Full Moon Little House
Date: 24/03/2021
Place: Brussels
Comme le dernier  single ( June) de Full Moon Little House a été repris par Rolling Stone ( France) , ce n'est pas une injure de le proposer sur Concert Monkey.

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Eric B Turner's new single ' Aint No Good ' will be released April 16th
Artist: Eric B Turner
Date: 24/03/2021
Place: Brussels
Hello, I would like to share Eric B Turner's upcoming single "Aint No Good" with you.

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CALUMNY revient avec un tout nouveau single en français
Date: 24/03/2021
Place: Brussels

Né d’une collaboration avec le chanteur et guitariste GRAUX,'Original'se démarque par ses influences tant urbaines qu’électroniques, preuve que CALUMNY se renouvelle et se réinvente.

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Ilan Navah is a singer-songwiter and guitarist from California
Artist: Ilan Navah
Date: 24/03/2021
Place: Brussels

Ilan released a new album  " Faith & Love" some days ago.

It's a fusion of Soul, Folk, Reggae, Blues, Jazz, Gospel & Funk .

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One of R.E.M's most popular songs, Losing my Religion, gets a classical crossover version by Aline Happ.
Artist: Aline Happ.
Date: 24/03/2021
Place: Brussels

Aline Happ's version brings elements of folk and Celtic music, including instruments such as harp and flute.

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Love Songs For Loners is the newest release from LP Kelly,
Artist: LP Kelly,
Date: 24/03/2021
Place: Brussels

Featuring ten new original songs written and recorded in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, Love Songs For Loners is a musical narrative of finding strength in solitude, ideas in isolat

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Retrouvez Birth marked et des millions de livres en stock sur Amazon...Euh, Birth Marked fait de la musique!
Artist: Birth Marked
Date: 23/03/2021
Place: Brussels
La sortie du premier album ( numérique) de Birth Marked est prévue pour la fin du mois.

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Laura Crowe & Him - C'est le printemps et dehors c'est la Jungle... mais aussi dans ton écran!
Artist: Laura Crowe & Him
Date: 23/03/2021
Place: Brussels
Tu le sais: La loi de la jungle est sans pitié!
Ecoute Laura Crowe & Him, ils vont t'expliquer!

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Becca Mancari chose to name her new EP Juniata​
Artist: Becca Mancari
Date: 23/03/2021
Place: Brussels

Nashville-based indie folk singer -songwriter Becca Mancari has released a new EP , Juniata.

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On Les Corona de Gloire...Un cri du cœur mis en chanson qui rassemble 16 artistes belges issus de 7 groupes différents
Artist: On Les Corona de Gloire
Date: 23/03/2021
Place: Brussels
Cette collaboration exceptionnelle est née grâce à l'initiative des Enfants du Chat Noir, jeune groupe de la scène belge francophone, basé à Bruxelles.

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« Blow your mind » , un nouveau single pour Wildation
Artist: Wildation
Date: 23/03/2021
Place: Brussels

Wildation, un triooriginaire de Langres, formé par Vince (Vincent Gérard), Bob (Etienne Blachard) et Che (Martin Chevrier) fait de la pop imprégnée d'influences  blues et  reggae.

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DANAKIL: un bouquin, un clip'
Date: 23/03/2021
Place: Brussels

Avec ses 150 000 albums écoulés et plus de 1000 concerts à son

actif, le collectif DANAKIL occupe depuis plus de 20 ans une place

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Jessiquoi is not exactly what you’d expect to emerge out of Switzerland’s underground.
Artist: Jessiquoi
Date: 23/03/2021
Place: Brussels
Jessiquoi is an Australian/Swiss producer, composer and performer, her live set looks and sounds like it belongs in futuristic Shanghai ca. 2048.

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MBG- My single 'This Time' is out NOW on all streaming platforms!
Artist: MBG
Date: 23/03/2021
Place: Brussels
Hailing from Ontario, Canada, Leena Rodriguez is a multi-instrumentalist who writes, records, and produces all of her music in her bedroom.

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What are you doing tonight, Lynsey? - I spy
Artist: Lynsey Mckeon-Smith
Date: 22/03/2021
Place: Brussels
Lynsey Mckeon-Smith is an Irish Soul/RnB singer who wants to make a name in Europe.
If all the songs she intends to record are as good as ' I Spy' she will achieve her goal.

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Tim Schou brengt zijn langverwachte debuutalbum 'Hero / Loser' uit op 9 april 2021,
Artist: Tim Schou
Date: 22/03/2021
Place: Brussels

Het album is een samenwerking met producers Andreas Ringblom en Søren Christensen, met als resultaat een verzameling authentieke nummers boordevol zelfreflectie over het zijn van een held o

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Cédric: en principe je reprends bientôt la direction des salles de concert.
Artist: Cédric
Date: 22/03/2021
Place: Brussels

Bonjour Concert Monkey,

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Ava Kay is a Canadian singer-songwriter and composer
Artist: Ava Kay
Date: 22/03/2021
Place: Brussels

Ava's new single , "Wild Again", is  a cinematic pop song.

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Alex Little and the Suspicious Minds - 'Big Lies' Is Out
Artist: Alex Little and the Suspicious Minds
Date: 22/03/2021
Place: Brussels

Vancouver Weekly, two years ago: " Music has always been a big part of Alex Little’s life.

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