Martha and the Muffins cover The Beat's "Save It for Later"


Martha and the Muffins cover The Beat's "Save It for Later"
Martha and The Muffins
Saturday, 23. July 2022

While we knew and loved ‘Mirror In The Bathroom’, by The Beat, we weren’t actually familiar with their song ‘Save It For Later’ until our manager Graham Stairs suggested we pitch a cover version of it to the producers of ‘Sex Education’ who were looking for a new version to use in their third season trailer. We had a very short time to do it but Martha was keen to try and we recorded it in three days. The music supervisor loved it, but  the whole idea was discarded by the producers so the song wasn’t used at all. This left us with a pretty catchy version of the song without a home so we suggested to Graham that maybe he should have all his artists on his roster do a cover of one of their favourite songs so we could put ‘Save It For Later’ to good use!

And so the ‘Coverama’ cover album came about. Save It For Later has  been  released on the album COVERAMA  ( a collaborative album of reimagined songs)