
Artist: Poppodium De Boerderij
Place: Zoetermeer

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15th Annual Blues Blast Music Award Winners
Date: 15/09/2022

15th Annual Blues Blast Music Award Winners

Contemporary Blues Album

Christone “Kingfish” Ingram – 662

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L’EP Outlines de Porij est paru le 07 septembre sur Underplay !
Artist: Porij
Date: 15/09/2022
Place: Brussels
La Mission:

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Un mariage improbable: Catherine Graindorge et Iggy Pop.
Artist: Catherine Graindorge et Iggy Pop.
Date: 15/09/2022
Place: Brussels

The Dictator EP est sorti il y a moins d'une semaine!

C'est le disque préféré de Charlie Chaplin!

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Jacqueline Taïeb remixe ses tubes yéyés
Artist: Jacqueline Taïeb
Date: 15/09/2022
Place: Brussels
Jacqueline Taïeb est de retour avec Play it like Jacqueline - The Lolita Chic Edit & Remix Album, une compilation comprenant six remixes des meilleurs morceaux de l'icône des yéyés.

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Makoto San partage Guadua
Artist: Makito San
Date: 15/09/2022
Place: Brussels
Il tape sur les bambous...
Philippe Laval?
Non, Makoto San , le "Guadua" est une variété de bambou originaire des régions tropicales d’Amérique.

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Australia's Victoria K will be releasing the sophomore album "Kore" this coming October via Rockshots Records
Date: 15/09/2022
Place: Brussels

Offering up progressive symphonic sound, "Kore" was specifically written to provide a full orchestral experience that drives people through a sonic journey of growth and grandeur.<

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'Great Voice of Africa' Youssou N'Dour kleurt affiche Festival des Libertés op 16 oktober in Brussel
Artist: Youssou N'Dour
Date: 16/10/2022
Place: Festival des Libertés - Brussel

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The Beths' new album 'Expert In A Dying Field' out September 16.
Artist: The Beths
Date: 14/09/2022
Place: Brussels

The Beths’ third and best album, Expert In A Dying Field, will be released on September 16, 2022 via Carpark Records.

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Lyhre is the solo project of Berlin-based multi-instrumentalist singer-songwriter, producer and composer Anitha Kandasamy.
Artist: Lyhre -
Date: 14/09/2022
Place: Brussels

Lyhre's debut EP is part of the Netflix series "ELITE".

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Faceless Objects share a new song Unbroken
Artist: Faceless Objects
Date: 14/09/2022
Place: Brussels
Their message:

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Le chanteur bruxellois Zaïmoon sort le clip du single 'Deux Hivers' issu de son premier album!
Artist: Zaïmoon
Date: 14/09/2022
Place: Brussels




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Manchester-based singer-songwriter Steve Trafford has unveiled his new single “As Good As It Gets”, with a solo album on the way.
Artist: Steve Trafford
Date: 14/09/2022
Place: Brussels
Former bass-player, guitarist  and co-songwriter with The Fall and Paul Heaton, Steve Trafford has also played with Brix & The Extricated an

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Jenny Kern's new EP “Your Heart Knows” comes out everywhere Friday September 30th.
Artist: Jenny Kern
Date: 14/09/2022
Place: Brussels
' Miss Somebody' is the Canadian-born, Brooklyn-based indie dream/pop artist Jenny Kern's latest single.

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Placebo share cover of classic "Tears For Fears" single 'Shout'
Artist: Placebo
Date: 13/09/2022
Place: Brussels
Brian says...

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Waterbaby is a London sister duo composed of Martha and Jessica Kilpatrick,
Artist: Waterbaby
Date: 13/09/2022
Place: Brussels
‘Thin Air’ is  their first release on untitled recs.

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2007, the new six-song EP from vocalist, songwriter and producer Miya Folick, is out now via Nettwerk.
Artist: Miya Folick
Date: 13/09/2022
Place: Brussels
She writes about the single ' Bad Thing'.... "Been doing Bad Things for a week now. It feels really really good. Thank you for all the support on this song. It truly means so much to me."

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Kyla Tilley has released her new album ‘Bloom and Grow’.
Artist: Kyla Tilley
Date: 13/09/2022
Place: Brussels

Bloom & Grow is a collection of songs about personal growth, self-acceptance, and the obstacles that get in the way of an individual's quest for immortality.

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Nick Lowe & Los Straitjackets komen op 30 september naar De Casino in Sint-Niklaas
Artist: Nick Lowe & Los Straitjackets
Date: 30/09/2022
Place: De Casino - Sint Niklaas

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