
Prints of Monaco about “What You Left There”
Artist: Prints of Monaco
Date: 22/05/2022
Place: Brussels

Less than one week until “What You Left There” is out. Some are calling it “the saddest song of the summer,” but pre-save it and you be the judge


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Après Sensuellement sombre, Peter nous propose " Évident "
Artist: Peter
Date: 20/05/2022
Place: Brussels
' Evident' est toujours extrait  de la mixtape " Glitch "

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Like Mint: My EP “I Wish I Was Awake” is finally out today.
Artist: Like Mint
Date: 20/05/2022
Place: Brussels

Susanne Wittig aka LIKE MINT, is based in Berlin, her EP  "I Wish I Was Awake"is now available.

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Un nouveau titre pour Entrée Libre
Artist: Entrée Libre -
Date: 20/05/2022
Place: Brussels

Emmanuel Jarrige et Ludovic Bailly ont repris  leurs initiales pour former Entrée Libre, la porte est donc ouverte sur leur pop acidulée.

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Sortie du 1er album "Entre Les Mains Des Robots" d'Oslo Tropique, aujourd'hui
Artist: Oslo Tropique
Date: 20/05/2022
Place: Brussels
Enfin il est là ! Nous sommes très heureux de vous présenter notre premier album « Entre les mains des robots ».

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L'Ep "Souffle" de Joseph Chedid est sorti !
Artist: Joseph Chedid
Date: 20/05/2022
Place: Brussels
L'Ep "Souffle" est sorti !

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Artist: Night Of The Proms
Date: 18/11/2022
Place: Sportpaleis Antwerpen

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I want to dance again @ Suikerrock 2022!
Artist: Suikerrock Festival
Place: Tienen

I want to dance again

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The Mars McClanes are no Warriors but " Worriers"
Artist: The Mars McClanes
Date: 20/05/2022
Place: Brussels
The Mars McClanes are back, they've reunited after a hiatus of 20 years;
Listten to their latest single ' The Worriers' , we, monkeys, love it...

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La musique des Electric Blue Cats est un alliage précieux composé de plusieurs styles incluant le rock, la funk ainsi qu’un soupçon de musique africaine
Date: 20/05/2022
Place: Brussels
Electric Blue Cats est né de la rencontre entre le batteur Salah Khaïli et le guitariste Christophe Taddei avec la volonté de retrouver le groov

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Shapeshifted, de derde LP laat op zich wachten, maar daar is Ain't no doubt about it
Artist: Shapeshifted
Date: 19/05/2022
Place: Brussels
Motown on speed, zei hij!
Helemaal niet onnozel..
pom pom pom,...zeggen de meisjes

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"Lamento", premier single du prochain EP de Paprika Kinski
Artist: Paprika Kinski
Date: 19/05/2022
Place: Brussels


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International Songwriting Competition (ISC) has announced its 2021 winners.
Artist: International Songwriting Competition
Date: 19/05/2022
Place: Nashville

The International Songwriting Competition (ISC) is pleased to announce its 2021 winners.

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'Mindibu' van STAVROZ is uit
Artist: Stavroz
Date: 19/05/2022
Place: Brussels

Na elf jaar toeren over de hele wereld (Europa, Azië, Amerika) en verschillende EP’s verschijnt nu het  album Mindibu an het Belgische electronica

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Hier is Jerry Leger met Nothing Pressing
Artist: Jerry Leger
Date: 19/04/2022
Place: Brussels
Robbie Klanderman

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Les malheurs de Jacson.
Artist: Jacson
Date: 19/05/2022
Place: Brussels
Dis- nous, Jacson...
J'avais du temps ( le confinement, tu vois), j'ai enregistré un EP six titres.

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Paris-based American artist Julia Gaeta presents her debut single 'Weight of You',
Artist: Julia Gaeta -
Date: 19/05/2022
Place: Brussels

With an education in 90s rock, heavy metal, post-punk and goth rock, Julia also appreciates music with empowering female leads, ranging from grunge and ethereal to contemporary experimental, Avant-

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