Shamash - Done With Misery [Malaysian Melodic Death on Rottweiler Records]


Shamash - Done With Misery [Malaysian Melodic Death on Rottweiler Records]
Sunday, 14. July 2024

NEWS - Shamash - Done With Misery [Malaysian Melodic Death on Rottweiler Records]

For fans of: Darkest Hour | In Flames | Shadows Fall | Dvne

The new album from Malaysia’s Shamash has been hovering on the horizon in tantalising fashion since late 2021. Whispers and rumours of its release have circulated on social media and several songs have dropped, heightening the anticipation for the album to nigh on unbearable levels for the band’s loyal fans. Well, now the interminable wait is nearly over and the follow up to the critically acclaimed Suffering Servant EP - described by HM Magazine as ‘a beautiful, melodic progressive metal record’ – is finally upon us! Featuring ten tracks of sublime melodic metal, that masterfully blend abrasive aggression and soaring melody with an array of imaginative, inventive musical influences, Done With Misery (Nos Pergamos In Domine Saluteum) is the proverbial gift that was well worth waiting for…

Andre Chiang – Vocals/Guitar
Darren Teh – Vocals/Bass
Alexaander J. Martin – Lead Guitar