Siri Black grew up in a multicultural home in Norway, with her father from Senegal and The Gambia, and mother from The Faroe Islands, Scotland, and Lapland.


Siri Black grew up in a multicultural home in Norway, with her father from Senegal and The Gambia, and mother from The Faroe Islands, Scotland, and Lapland.
Siri Black
Thursday, 1. September 2022
Her need to share her message of love and equality drives every project she does forward with force, and Let The World Unite is no exception.
Let The World Unite had its world premiere in Togo in West Africa, when Plan International invited Siri to attend their high-level meeting with leaders from all over the world: The Global Girls' Summit. Having heard Siri's music, Plan International wanted her to speak about equality, diversity, and unity and also perform at the closing ceremony. Even though the song wasn't released yet, Siri decided to perform Let The World Unite at her televised concert in West Africa. The response was sublime...

Siri Black travels to The Faroe Islands to see her family quite often. This is where she met producer and songwriter Bardur Haberg. Bardur, with his impressive track record including songs for Disney and Billboard hits in Asia, reached out to Siri after having heard her on Faroese radio. They ended up creating Let The World Unite together, and are now sharing their creation with the rest of the world!