Who's gonna tell Peter Lake he works too much?


Who's gonna tell Peter Lake he works too much?
Peter Lake
Tuesday, 19. July 2022
July 19th,
Peter sends us a new song, aber ( that's German) Date de sortie: 29 juillet. 2022 ( that's French).
Here's the message...
It was the Spring Break at my university and instead of going back to Canada I stayed in New Haven to study. The whole school was quiet because of the holiday. I kept seeing this group of cooler older students at the library. Eventually we sort of talked. They loved surfing. There was this girl in the group I had never seen before. Her name was Zoey. She had flowers in her eyes and I was convinced I was in love, but I was too nervous to say anything. Then a few days after we socialized in the Library the group invited me to come with them on a surfing road trip down the Baja coast of Mexico. I don’t know how to surf, but of course I said yes! I met them at the airport that Friday. When I got out of the car they said “where is your board?” I said “where is Zoey”? “Zoey is with her boyfriend so she can’t come” Boyfriend? Can’t come? Tragedy. I went anyway. I drove them down the coast of Mexico thinking about Zoey and dreaming about one day being one of these cool confident guys. This is a song about that.
OK, passe moi l'éponge,Bob... we ' ll share another tune!