Mali Hâf's new EP 'Jig-so' is out


Mali Hâf's new EP 'Jig-so' is out
Mali Hâf
Wednesday, 27. December 2023
'Jig-so' is Mali Hâf's new EP
The EP is funded by the Welsh Arts Council through their Creative Steps Funding.
She was aiming for the EP to combine some folky-sounding melodies and occasional poetic language with the intriguing sounds of modern electronic pop.

1. The single 'Boudicca' refers of course to the famous Celtic Warrior-Queen. Mali enjoys fantasising about life back then when Brythonic was the language of the whole island. Minas, the producer and Mali were really fond of the choice of chords to depict the moody British winter landscapes through which Boudicca rode her horses and chariot. And although ultimately defeated 'Boudicca'a story is about standing up to power and injustice.

The rhythmic beats, sounds and chant-like hooks conjure up battles. The lyrics encourage a standing up for the values of community, of supporting fairness and giving young people a chance to contribute to their communities, economically and culturally- something made difficult by swathes of properties in rural Wales being bought up by the wealthy as second or even third homes. There will also be a video produced by Trigger Happy to go with this single.

2. 'Ailadrodd', this song begins with a loop of Mali singing the hook that inspired the theme of the song 'Ailadroodd' (to repeat, repetition). Every human being repeats patterns of habitual behaviour that become stale, for instance in relationships, art, politics. And I guess the song is acknowledging that, and the singer is encouraging someone to move on and try something more innovative/fresher, to spice up their lives. The simplicity of the mix, stripped back and soulful vocals almost suggest it's easy to break these patterns - because maybe it is? Or is the singer being knowingly blasé and disingenuous in her rebuke and challenge?!

3. 'Colli Meddwl' - This mixes the silly, the humorous and the problematic in one song. There are references here to the disassociation experienced in panic attacks when one feels everything is unreal as if the body has been swapped for an alien. There is also recognition that holding these experiences lightly can help.

The song also implies that losing one's mind can be an enjoyable thing. Accepting that loosing one's mind isn't so scary after all and is often something we seek, to avoid the humdrum of the every day. The beats invite the listener to let go and lose their mind in a swirling Dervish dance, which is exactly how Mali preforms the song live.

4. 'Enfys Sanctiadd', Mali wrote 'Enfys Sanctaidd' a few years ago when she was at Leeds College of Music (LCOM). She remembers writing the song in her friend's loft, while looking out the window at a perfectly formed rainbow. The draft was in English, but the words were translated and it definitely sounds better in Welsh!

The contrast between the melodic verses and the chorus which is more chant-like is one of the characteristics of the song, as well as the background music which hopes to have a magical Chinese impact. The song was composed in Leeds and it was finished in Leeds by another former LCOM student, Jas Scott (who call themselves Binnie ) who produced the song.

5. 'ARAF', this is another track that Mali sent to her friend Binnie. Mali liked that Binnie remembered seeing the word ARAF on the roads while traveling in Wales. The song was written while traveling back from a gig in West Wales with bassist Ioan driving through beautiful scenery in sun and rain. This track leans more towards an alt-soul sound to create relaxed feelings. Mali saw it as a challenge to create a chorus that slowed down (unlike most of the EP). The image of slowing down the vehicle and noticing more can refer to various aspects of life, especially relationships.

This is one of the favourites she created with Binnie (more on the way!), and they both smile at the fact that the song is released at the same time as the Senedd introduces the 20 mph rule in built up areas.

6. 'Blaidd', this songs shows her current influences of a love for hyper-pop track with influence of Ashniko and from the rich tradition of pop songs about wolves - e.g. Aurora. There is also definitely a Kate Bush influence in the passionate high pitched vocals of the chorus and the strong drum and bass like drums.